Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Reflection #2

The book is getting extremely trippy and the whole thing with the mirror is really haunting and freaks me out. Alberto is a weirdo for calling Sophie Hilde and the fact that he's so secretive. I don't think its right for him to keep Sophie in the dark about everything. I find that to be quite rude. The suggestion of reincarnation is ridiculous to me because that argument doesn't make sense because how would Hildes father know who Sophie and obviously who Hilde is. Also HOW is all of Hilde's belongings appearing in Sophie's room? Is she becoming Hilde or something? Also as a side note about religion I was thinking like what if there isn't one right religion since the majority of religions have different types of proof like miracles etc. what if whatever religion you choose is the one you need to live out following its rules and there's heaven and Nirvana and everything for all of the religious groups. I feel like something like that would be very very interesting to think about like we always wonder 'which religion is correct' but what if it's all correct like if I'm Christian and I decide that then I had better be the best Christian possible but if I'm a Satanist or something I had better worship the devil like no other. I don't know that's just what all of this religion talk made me think of.

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